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Bullet Pigeon is a breed

breed of Bullet Pigeon The Bullet Pigeon is a breed of domestic pigeon that was developed in the United Kingdom in the mid-20th century. It is named for its small size and sleek, streamlined body, which gives it the appearance of a bullet. Bullet Pigeons are known for their striking color patterns, which can include splashes of white, black, and red. They have a small, round head with a short, curved beak, and their eyes are set wide apart on the sides of their head. These pigeons are often kept as show birds and are known for their good health and longevity. They are generally calm and easy to handle, making them a popular choice for pigeon fanciers. Bullet Pigeons are relatively small, with a typical adult weighing around 250 grams. They are generally hardy birds and can adapt to a variety of living conditions, as long as they are provided with enough space to move around and adequate protection from the elements. In terms of care, Bullet Pigeons require a high-quality diet t

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